by Richard Harries Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford, brings together his love of art and his Christian faith in a book that takes readers deeper into the Christmas story. Over 30 paintings, icons and sculptures are included, representing many different ages and cultures. The author shares his insights - artistic, historical, spiritual - in a way which captures the mystery and wonder of the nativity.
by Jaroslav Folda The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, 1098-1187 examines the art and architecture produced for the invading Crusaders in Syria-Palestine during the first century of their quest to recapture and control the holy sites of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Nazareth. Commissioned by kings and queens, patriarchs, bishops, knights, and merchants who came as pilgrims or settlers to the Holy Land, it is an art of manuscript illumination, fresco painting, mosaics, stone sculpture, metalwork, ivory carving, embroidery, coins, and seals by artists trained in the Latin West and the Crusader, Byzantine, and Islamic East. Combining the multicultural traditions of these regions, Crusader art defies easy categorization. Indeed, it is a unique phenomenon within the spectrum of medieval art. Based on years of research, The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, the initial volume in a two-part survey, is the first comprehensive study of all the arts, which are considered together within their historical context. Charting stylistic and iconographic evolution, this study identifies the main phases of artistic development from its origins through its flourishing era during the reigns of Queen Melisende (1131-1161) and King Amaury (1163-1174) to the final achievements before 1187. Defining a distinctive and important chapter in the history of medieval art, this groundbreaking work contains 700 black and white illustrations and 40 color plates.
Published by Thames & Hudson With the approaching millennium, people the world over will partake in events that draw their meaning from Christian belief and symbolism. This exquisitely illustrated introductory volume illuminates many of the mysteries of the Christian churchthe Holy Grail, the Stigmata Black Madonnas and moreto bring home the richness and complexity of a body of belief that has substantially shaped our daily lives for 2,000 years. 80 illus. 40 in color.
by Diane Apostolos-Cappadona The aim of this dictionary is to give the reader access to the pictorial tradition that was once the common visual vocabulary of Christians. In over 1,000 entries from "Aaron" to "Zucchetto," the Dictionary identifies and explains the major signs, symbols, figures, and topics that have emerged in 2,000 years of Christian art. Entries include artists and saints, biblical and mythological figures, flora and fauna, liturgical objects and vestments, and theological, art and architecture terms. Profusely illustrated with more than 160 b&w reproductions by some of the greatest Christian artists.
by Corinne Bonnet, Paolo Xella Written by two experts in the field for a general audience, this book gathers and comments on--from a historical point of view--all the adventures of the most significant characters of the great narrative heritage of the Bible.
by Heinz Schreckenberg, Kurt Schubert Presents two separate studies: Schreckenberg shows how Christian authors turned Josephus' description of the downfall of Jerusalem into a confirmation of Christian superiority; Schubert describes the Jewish pictorial tradition and its influence on early Christian art. Well illustrated in black and white.
by Heinz Schreckenberg This unique and encyclopedic collection of more than one thousand pictures, some in color, is of the utmost importance for understanding Christian attitudes to Jews over the past two thousand years. In particular from the time of Charlemagne onwards, Christian polemic against the Jews was reinforced by a wealth of imagery, in the statues and stained-glass windows of churches and cathedrals, which made a powerful impact even on the illiterate. With an extended introduction and detailed commentary and bibliography, The Jews in Christian Art is one of the first books to consider art as a serious source of historical knowledge about the Jews and the ideological constructs developed around them by Christian thinkers and artists. Hardcover, 448 pages
by Albert Rouet, Paul Philibert (Translator) The liturgy and art forms such as music, sacred space and dance are explored in Liturgy and the Arts. Readers will experience a genuine joy in contemplating this Catholic bishop's convincing argument that the Church cannot do without the arts. ![]()
Hardcover by Nancy Grubb Glorious illustrations, including more than 180 superb reproductions of some of the world's most magnificent paintings, sculpture, stained glass, illuminated manuscripts, tapestries, and other precious objects, trace the life of Christ from the Annunciation and Nativity to the Resurrection and Last Judgment.
by Madeleine L'Engle The bestselling author of such classics as A Wrinkle in Time, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, and Certain Women reflects on art and faith with the fierce intelligence and imaginative daring that have made her one of our most cherished authors. The task of the artist, as she sees it, involves listening, keeping oneself fully aware, and then responding to creation with one's own art.
by Carol F. Lewine Some decades before Michelangelo began work on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, such masters as Botticelli, Ghirlandaio, Perugino, and Signorelli were called to Rome by Pope Sixtus IV to decorate the walls. By 1483, these painters had completed two monumental fresco cycles illustrating the lives of Moses and Christ - works of complex, and sometimes puzzling, iconography. Carol F. Lewine shows that many long-standing questions posed by these Renaissance masterpieces can be resolved by systematic investigation of their undoubted links with the Roman liturgy. Her reconstruction of the scheme by which liturgical themes of the weeks between Christmas and Ascension Thursday are mirrored in the subjects of these frescoes has revealed, unexpectedly, that within this program the primary emphasis is on the liturgy of Lent, often on the Lenten liturgy of the early church, and on such Lenten themes as baptism and penitence. The discovery that these frescoes also refer to the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews, another ancient Lenten theme, suggests that Sixtus IV created the papal chapel that bears his name in order to commemorate the return of the popes from their "Babylonian Captivity" at Avignon. This exile ended in 1377, approximately one hundred years before Sixtus began to plan the major artistic enterprise of his pontificate. Lewine's approach to the interpretation of visual images in terms of their liturgical significance is in itself important and her argument, grounded in close visual inspection of the paintings, is ingenious and provocative. Her analyses of the interactions among narrative and symbol, text and image, form and meaning, offer stimulating contributions to quattrocento studies and encourage further consideration of all the decoration of the Sistine Chapel, together, as parts of an evolving ensemble. Hardcover
by Nancy Grubb This lavish and inclusive compilation of angels in art features depictions of cherubs, guardian angels, heavenly messengers, and more, from the Middle Ages to contemporary times, represented in frescoes, oil paintings, mosaics, prints, stained glass, tapestries, manuscript illuminations, and sculpture. Includes an index of illustrators. Hardcover, 144 pages
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by Joanne Cracknell (Editor) The heart of the Old Testament is celebrated in this handsome gift edition--a magisterial volume showcasing more than 200 of the Bible's most inspirational passages. From Creation through the Day of Judgment, Old Testment scripture is lavishly illuminated in 185 full-color images from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts and paintings.
by Carol Jean Harms Beginning banner makers can now create meaningful banners qucikly and easily using this comprehensive instruction and design book. This book offers more than 200 original designs for Christian holidays and events including baptism, the Lord's Supper, confirmation, marriage and more. a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0570048427/villagelifenewsmA/" target="new"> ![]() Hardcover by Jeanne S. Fagle Text and illustrations explain the origins and meaning of such Christian symbols as the cross, lily, boat, butterfly, flame, fish, and lamp.
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