by Ralph Reed In this breakthrough book, Reed points out that although we live in a time of crisis, we have an unprecedented opportunity for revival and positive change. All people of faith can make a difference -- if we understand the political and cultural roots of our problems, refuse to be relegated to the margins of public life, live our faith, and vote our values.
by Didi Herman Gay rights are a volatile political issue in the United States today. For some, gay rights are the culmination of a fiercely waged campaign for full citizenship. For others, notably the Christian Right, the extension of rights to lesbians and gay men symbolizes the moral excesses of a culture out of control. For both proponents and opponents, gay rights is an issue that is not only close to hearts, but also reflective of the individual and collective soul. The Antigay Agenda is a shrewd, lucid analysis of the mobilization of the Christian Right against homosexuality. Didi Herman probes the values, beliefs, and rhetoric of the chief opponents of gay rights - the organizations of the Christian Right. Tracing the emergence of their antigay agenda, Herman explores how and why the Christian Right made antigay activity a top priority, and how it both extends and departs from their past politics. She also exposes the movement's ambivalence toward rights discourse on homosexuality, gender, and race.
by Richard Abanes Abanes explains where the paramilitary groups come from, who are their members, what are their beliefs and how they are organized and motivated. Offering a thorough and balanced perspective, he describes many of the complex conspiracy theories that have gained a following among paramilitarists, show how racism and religion fuel many of their bizarre beliefs and goals, and suggests how their sometimes dangerous zealotry might be defused.
by David Manuel Through interviews with Moslems, Serbians and Croats, the author seeks to find how God's love has made inroads into the hearts of the people there, and what will make reconcilation possible. The heart of this book is a search for the possibility of forgiveness in the lives of individuals of all ethnic backgrounds who have gone through the war that has ravaged Bosnia-Hercegovina. ![]()
by James Fallows Drawing on his own experience as a National Book Award-winning journalist--and on the negative examples set by colleagues from George Will to Cokie Roberts--Fallows turns his sights on such phenomena as the media's relentless emphasis on political gamesmanship and the highly paid "buckraking" industry that turns reporters into speechmakers for the very interests that are supposed to cover. ![]()
by Glenn C. Loury In a call for a fundamental reconsideration of racial inequality in America, the standard dichotomy of liberal and conservative policies is dismissed in favor of genuine interracial acceptance and self-accountability. (Longer Review Available.) Hardcover, 332 pages
![]() by Michael Lewis From the author of the bestselling Liar's Poker comes a wickedly funny and astute chronicle of the 1996 presidential campaign -- and how Americans will go about choosing their leaders at the turn of the new century. A striking look at our culture and its politics and the mammoth unlikelihood of connection between the inauthentic modern candidate and the voter's passions and desires.
by Gita Mehta To commemorate the 50th anniversary of India's independence, the author of Karma Cola and A River Sutra presents a personally charged work of reflection, reminiscence, and reportage that's guaranteed to provoke and delight.
![]() by Earl Woods, Pete McDaniel From the father and mentor of PGA sensation Tiger Woods comes an invaluable guide for parents which tells how to teach children golf and instill many other life lessons at the same time. Training a Tiger includes dozens of games and competitions to make golf fun and interesting, correct posture and balance, teach mental toughness, and more. 200 photos & illustrations. ![]()
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